Pure Mathematics and Applications


Aims and Scope

Pure Mathematics and Applications (PU.M.A.) publishes original research works, surveys, historical and biographical articles primarily on mathematics of optimization.

Papers about high quality applications of mathematical methods to decision sciences (especially operations research, economics, games and control theory, actuarial and financial mathematics), or special issues, completely devoted to a certain contemporary topic of high interest are also published.

Tovább a PU.M.A oldalára

A korábbi számok elérhetősége 2014-ig

Eseményelemzés Pénzügyi és Más Big Data Alkalmazásokon

Időpont: 2024. December 5. 9.00 – 15.00 Helyszín: KRTK, K13-14-es terem (1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4) Oktató: Neszveda Gábor (MNB) A rés...